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Smash and Splash! Celebrating baby’s first birthday with a cake smash and bubble bath.

I *adore* cake smashes! I’ve actually started to refer to these sessions as “Smash and Splash” sessions, because we allllllways love the bubble bath at the end. I have several photographer friends who are not the biggest fans of cake smash sessions, but I am definitely a HUGE fan of the mess, celebration, giggles, and over the top fun that happens during a cake smash.


I thought I’d share a few of my tips and tricks that I use during cake smash sessions to keep the session fun, easy, and simple! Before letting you in on my secrets (kidding), I want to share a few photos from my most recent cake smash. This little dude is ADORABLE, had the most expressive eyes…and did NOT like his cake. Here’s the thing…sometimes, babies aren’t a fan. The texture is weird, it sticks to their fingers, it is SUPER SWEET, which can be a bit shocking to some littles…and it’s messy. Not all babies are a fan of the cake portion of the cake smash, but I’ve learned to embrace whatever reaction baby has to the experience!

mill creek cake smash and splash

Some ways you can prepare BEFORE your Smash and Splash session:

-Most importantly, be sure to let your photographer know if baby has any allergies, skin sensitivities, etc! Common food allergens can often be found in cake ingredients (eggs, for example, or cows milk in the buttercream) Be sure to let your photographer know if your little one has any known allergies. If so, work with them to find a cake that does not contain those potential allergens. I give my clients the option to bring their own cake, or for an additional fee, I will have a local cake decorator deliver your custom cake to the studio.

-Give baby a taste of a cupcake or cake BEFORE the cake smash. This gives them the opportunity to taste the sweet frosting, experience the texture, etc. Often, just knowing what to expect can help baby dive into the cake during their cake smash!

-Manage your expectations! Some babies don’t like cake. That’s ok! Some adults don’t like cake, we all have different tastes. I’m not going to force your little one to eat or touch something they don’t want to. We will, however, capture their approach to the cake, their reaction to the cake, and try some tricks to get them to explore the cake a bit. I sometimes pop a cheerio into the back of the cake to try to entice baby to take a pinch. I also have adorable little spoons that baby can use if they are not loving the texture of the cake.

-Bring a change of clothes. I typically begin cake smash sessions with family portraits, which means you get to have some updated family portraits done. Following family photos, I recommend changing into clothes can can be frosted. No joke! While I am photographing, it is all hands on deck keeping the birthday boy/girl from wandering off the set. We have towels, rags, etc ready to scoop baby up and keep them in the right spot…but I always advise parents wear something they can get frosting on. Because, it will happen.

-Make sure the birthday boy/girl is fed, rested, and feeling well! This makes for an amazing session! Don’t feel like you need to keep baby hungry for the cake smash. Honestly, we don’t want them eating the entire cake on an empty stomach…and hungry babies tend to be grumpy babies!

-Fill out your questionnaire with any special decor color requests, etc! This helps me get your session all set up before you arrive.


Some things we do DURING the session:

-I typically begin cake smash sessions with family portraits. I do this to give your little one a little bit of time to warm up to me, the studio, etc while still feeling comfortable and safe in mom and dad’s arms.

-I have my sets all set-up and ready to go ahead of time. Minimizing transition time keeps baby’s interest, and helps the session run smoothly.

-If baby isn’t interested in the cake, we try things like taking a piece off the back and letting baby taste the cake part (less sweet frosting). We also have forks and spoons that your little one can use if they aren’t a fan of the texture.

-If baby HATES the cake, we will photograph their approach, a few candid images..and then move on. Trying to force a little one into something they don’t want is a recipe for disaster, and we don’t want to make baby so upset we can’t calm them down for the rest of the session.

-BATHTIME! Following the smash, I typically set up a tiny claw foot bubble bath and let baby splash in the warm water. This tends to be the favorite portion of the session for most babies. This also helps get baby nice and clean following the smash. Win win! Be sure to let me know if baby has any skin sensitivities and we can leave out the bubbles!

I just adore cake smash sessions because they let your little one be the star of the show, they bring out their tiny personalities (reserved, shy, messy, outgoing, funny, grumpy) and allow baby, parents and me to share in the joy!

Reach out to me if you are thinking of a Smash and Splash session for your little one’s first birthday! I have outfits, banners, helium tank and balloons, cake plates, backdrops and more in studio! My cake smash sets are typically pretty simple, and allow your birthday boy or girl to be the center of attention. Our studio is located in the heart of Mill Creek, WA.

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