Begin your Story

Newborn Session with June Bug Photography

Newborn sessions are such a joy, they are honestly one of my favorite types of session. I love getting to meet the newest member of your family, snuggling baby, and getting to know my amazing clients.

Newborn sessions are a completely different type of session, as we let baby run the show. I follow baby’s lead, and try to get baby nice and sleepy for those curly, sleepy poses. Some babies are alert, and don’t want to miss a thing, so naturally…we photograph baby’s beautiful wide eyes, wrap baby up snug (flailing arms and legs tend to startle baby, and can lead to a grumpy little one!) Newborn sessions are longer than my typical sessions, being between 2 to 3 hours long. We use this time to let baby relax, eat, to change baby, etc. Newborn babies tend to eat frequently, especially when they are being posed, moved, etc. during a session. We don’t rush the process! Newborn sessions are also warm. I keep the studio around 75 degrees during a newborn session (vs 70 during a normal session). This allows baby to be comfortable and cozy for those naked poses, and to be nice and toasty and sleepy.

This little man made my job easy. He was adorable, and super patient with me during his session. Fair warning, if you show up to your session with awesome tattoos…I’ll probably ask you to show them off. How sweet does this little peanut look all snuggled up in dad’s arms?! I typically photograph newborns when they are between one and two weeks old. I have found that babies tend to be most cooperative during this window of time, and have had the best luck getting both sleepy, snuggly images as well as content, awake images. If you are thinking about getting newborn portraits done, I recommend reaching out early in you pregnancy to get on the calendar! I also offer maternity sessions, and would love to get to know you during a maternity session to capture your beautiful growing belly! June Bug photography studio is located in the heart of mill creek, and we serve clients from Mill Creek, Everett, Bothell, Seattle, Snohomish County, Edmonds, Bellevue, Redmond, and more! We have a beautiful studio stocked with gorgeous layers, wraps, props, hats, outfits, headbands, and more.

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