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Senior Photos: It’s that time of year! Senior portrait session in Bothell.

These few weeks before schedules are packed with school engagements are the perfect time to get your senior sessions done! The light is beyond beautiful, and the weather is still warm.

I totally lucked out with my senior session last night, as Emma was crazy photogenic and beautiful. She was so fun to work with, and was up for anything (I made her hop up on the rail of a bridge, the rail of a building, sit in duck poop and get her hands permanently covered in superfine glitter….sorry Emma!) Mom joined us, and I put her to work as our “reflector-positioner”.

It made me smile to see Emma and her mom laugh and have fun together. I hope that my relationship with my daughter (now 5 years old) is as strong and loving when she is a senior! This mom is doing it right!

Here are a few of my favorites from the session. I was SO hard to choose. Emma looks sunning in EVERY. SINGLE. FRAME. No joke. Senior photos

Senior portraits Senior pictures Black and White senior photo Senior sessions with personality

Creative Senior pictures



Back To School Mini Sessions Family photography snohomish county

back to school, school photos, vintage school house, june bug photography, snohomish family photography I am so excited about my next round of {mini} sessions, BACK-TO-SCHOOL!

I’m smitten with this new, vintage, school desk and I wanted to feature it in our back to school {mini} sessions. We will havea Vintage Schoolhouse theme in studio, with tons of vintage school themed props (chalkboards, globes, school desk, apples, crates, antique books, etc.)back to school photos, vintage school desk, school pictures, snohomish photographerkindergarten pictures, school pictures, school photos, vintage photoshoot, snohomish photography

Get your best back to school outfits ready! Mini sessions will be held on Saturday, September 6th. Sessions will book quickly. so snag your spot by clicking here or emailing me at

back to school photo session, kids photography, snohomish county photographer, school pictures, portraits snohomish photography, family photography, school photos, school portraits, back to school


  • $75 for a 45 minute in-studio session.
  • Includes high-resolution digital files of 15-20 final images from the session.
  • Complete printing rights to the photos (so you can get them printed ANYWHERE)
  • Tons of adorable back to school themed props to use for the session.
  • You will receive your high-resolution gallery link by Wednesday, September 10th.

My son is starting Preschool in the fall, and he had taken a bite out of my apple prop before I could even turn the camera on. Don’t worry, I’ll have lots more on September 6th. My daughter is starting Kindergarten in the fall, and she is beyond excited. It was so fun to play pretend school for our mini session!

Now I Lay me Down To Sleep, the power of a photograph.

About 4years ago, I experienced a tragic loss. I was nearly 5 months pregnant and lost my baby girl, Maisey. Without going into all the miserable details, I will say that it was the most painful, sad, terrifying, humiliating, and horrific experiences I can possibly imagine. Luckily, I was “rescued” from the ER by two beautiful nurses who wheeled me to the Labor and Delivery wing following my miscarriage. While in the labor and delivery wing, recovering from surgery following Maisey’s death, a nurse came into our room with a digital camera and a huge memory card. She asked if it would be ok for her to take some pictures of Maisey, and send the memory card home with us. I had NO IDEA at the time how important those photographs would be in my healing process.

I have a vivid memory of waiting to be picked up from the Childbirth Center by my mother. I stood in the pick-up area with my Husband, heartbroken. While other young-women stood holding a tiny baby, carefully buckled into a brand new carseat, I stood with no shoes (I didn’t have time to put them on before the ambulance arrived at out house), clutching the “memorial box” containing the memory card of Maisey’s photos, a knit cap the nurses placed on Maisey, a hand made tiny quilt, and a tiny card with Maisey’s footprints. I was so broken, so angry that I never had the opportunity to show my dear Maisey the tremendous love I have for her. I have opened my “memorial box” at least 1,000 times. I used the photographs to  help remember every detail possible about her tiny hands, her sweet nose. I used the photographs to help explain her death to my 2 year old daughter. I used the photographs to heal.

Box of memoriesMaisey's photograph MaiseyMaisey's Memorial box

All my love, in a box.Through this loss, I have had the opportunity to learn about the organization Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS). I didn’t know about NILMDTS at the time of Maisey’s death, but I am so lucky that the hospital had a plan in place to provide families with photos. 

I learned about NILMDTS about 3 years ago, while reading a blog post about another families’ loss. I felt a urgent need to be a part of the organization. From that moment, I started my trajectory toward becoming a NILMDTS photographer. I had been passionate about photography, but hadn’t considered becoming a professional photographer until that moment. 3 years later, I finally had the confidence to submit my portfolio to NILMDTS, in the hopes of being approved as an affiliate photographer. Today, I received notice that I have been approved as an Affiliated Photographer to serve on behalf on NILMDTS organization. I am beyond honored.

This is such an amazing organization. They are a non-profit group that connects families who have suffered loss of a child with professional (volunteer) photographers. Families get professional photographs of their child, free of cost. Here is a snippet from their webpage (


To introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with a free gift of professional portraiture.

Our Work

NILMDTS trains, educates, and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant.  We believe these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honoring the child’s legacy.”

I know this is a difficult subject to talk about, but I hope to help spread the word about this amazing organization. Please please please share, let others know, and maybe someone else will find some peace through photography. Learn more here

Maternity Shoot, Snohomish Photographer June Bug Photography

Toni (mama to be) was such a dream to work with! She was just radiant, super relaxed, and easygoing. Dad was not as thrilled to be a participant in the photo shoot, but he sucked it up and rocked it. These guys are good friends, and I am just so excited to meet their little one (Due in September).

Aren’t they just beyond adorable?! We had planned to meet at Marymoor park, but a last minute change of plans meant that we met at our Snohomish studio instead. We shot the outdoor images in our field, and they turned out awesome (although, I am bummed that they aren’t Marymoor!)

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Maternity Phone Session Snohomish photography Baby bump session snohomish county photographer Silhouette maternity Photography maternity photography snohomish photographer Baby bump photography session Maternity Photography snohomish Maternity Photos Snohomish

Cake Smash! Snohomish Photography, June Bug photography

I got to work with this little cutie AGAIN for his first birthday cake smash! It was his first encounter with cake, and he wasn’t quite sure what to think!

I have never met a 1 year old who is so quick and nimble! We had to think fast to keep his frosting toes from running onto the carpet in the studio. I had so much fun working with this little Birthday Boy.


Here are some of my favorites from the session:birthday photos cake smash First Cake Smash snohomish county photographer Cake smash snohomish county june bug photography First Birthday Photo session snohomish photographer June Bug PHotography Cake smash, Snohomish photography First Birthday Session, snohomish photographer

Outdoor Movie night: DIY screen

movie nightoutdoor movie night diy movie screenWe hosted our first ever outdoor movie night, and it was a smashing success…if you don’t count the hoards of mosquitos! Luckily we were prepared for our needle-nosed friends, and had plenty of bug spray on hand.

We made our movie screen for under $40, and it was SUPER easy.

You will need the following:


4 of 1x3x8 Spruce/Pine Furring strips ($2/each)

4 of THESE brackets, ($4.50 for a 4 pack)

1 of 108″x72″ “frosted” shower curtain. (For a rear projection screen, you will need a frosted shower curtain. For front projection, use a WHITE shower curtain.) ($17/each. You can find these MUCH cheaper at the dollar store, but not in the larger size. You can always adjust your screen size a bit to save some $$)

2 eye bolts ($.88/each)

4 tent stakes ($5 if you don’t have them squirreled around in your garage somewhere)

Black Duct Tape (it doesn’t actually need to be black…I just like the look better in black). ($3)


Measuring Tape


Staple gun with staples


We laid the boards out on the ground, and measured a 60×96″ rectangle in the center. The would be our screen space/size. We were feeling lazy, and didn’t want to make any cuts to the wood. Bonus.

Next, we placed a bracket in each of the 4 inside corners. and attached using the screws that came with the brackets. We decided to reinforce the corners by screwing a block of scrap wood to the back of the frame at the corners. This helped to keep the frame square. Sorry, this part happened so fast, I forgot to snap a pic. Here is a super technical drawing (the blue things in the corners are the brackets. obvs.) outdoor movie night, DIY movie screen, outdoor movie screen, june bug photography, photography snohomish

brackets, screen, diy movie screen, rear projection screen tutorial

Screw the eyebolts in along the top, side edges (see photo). This will be where your ropes attach and hold it all up.

Now use the duct tape to loosely attach the shower curtain at each corner. Don’t pull tight, but lay it flat over the frame. Trim off excess shower curtain.

by june bug photography, diy outdoor movie screen

Junebug photographer snohomish tutorial for a diy outdoor movie screenStarting on a long edge, reinforce the shower curtain along the edges with duct tape. This layer will keep the shower curtain from ripping when we add staples.



Once the edges are reinforced with duct tape, you can staple the curtain in place. The trick is to start in the middle of any side. Place one staple, and move to the middle of another side. Pull the curtain tight, and pin the curtain down with a staple. Keep moving around the frame, working out from the middle of each side, and pulling taught. Soon you will have a million staples, all the way up the corners of the frame. Your curtain should be nice and tight. It will likely have some wrinkles from folding, but we didn’t notice these AT ALL when it is in use.


After all the staples are in place, use the duct tape to cover the staples. This will give your screen a nice, clean look.

DIY movie screen tutorial june bug photographer snohomish DIY movie screen tutorial, june bug photography snohomish

To set up your screen, have an assistant hold the screen up while you stake it down by inserting a rope into the eye bolts, and tying the rope to the stakes. (See photo). Those black rectangles at the legs of the screen are the speakers we used.

We set up our projector about 12′ behind our screen, and it worked great! We leaned the screen up against our shed to store it until our next movie!


First Birthday Photo Session, snohomish county photographer. June Bug Photography.

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE working with this family. I have photographed these gals before, but this time was special: little sister’s FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Mom has such an incredible sense of style, and brought along tons of props and decor from the birthday party the previous weekend. Both girls were super cooperative, and sweet.


Here are some of my favorite shots from the session. I did a few shots of JUST THE DECOR. It was that good. I’m thinking this mom needs to be a party planner! 🙂

June Bug photography serves Snohomish county, including Mill Creek, bothell, everett as well as the greater Seattle area.

june bug photography, photographer in mill creek, mill creek photographer, children photography June Bug photography, snohomish county photographer, mill creek photographer, bothell photographer June Bug photography, snohomish county photographer, mill creek photographer, bothell photographer June Bug photography, snohomish county photographer, mill creek photographer, bothell photographer June Bug photography, snohomish county photographer, mill creek photographer, bothell photographer birthdayballoon birthdaygirl2 outsidebaby adorable

Father’s Day Mini Session

We are now booking Father’s Day {mini} sessions! Book fast, space is VERY limited.

Saturday, June 7th. Sessions will be held at our in-home studio at 4608 144th st se, Snohomish WA 98296.

Click HERE to book your session today!


{mini} session will include

-30 minute photography session

-props provided (backdrops, dad related props, etc)

-10 (or more!) high resolution digital files of the edited images from the session, delivered to you by June 9th!

-Full printing rights to get your photos printed ANYWHERE.

-Feel free to bring dad along, or surprise him with the photos. Also feel free to bring in any additional props (dad’s hat, shoes, etc. be creative!)


Sessions will be held at our in-home studio at 4608 144th st se, Snohomish WA 98296.

Click HERE to book your session today!

Newborn Shoot, Snohomish County Photographer June Bug photography

I was lucky enough to get to photograph this little princess this weekend. She is 2 weeks old, and simply adorable. She was awake nearly the entire time, which meant some great sparkly eye shots…but no luck on many sleepy baby shots. She is really good natured, and has an awesome family! Big sister came along and was so well behaved. She snuck in a few smooches, and played nicely while her little sister posed for pictures! Mom looked amazing and was so chill,  and dad was so good with the girls. It was so fun to meet this family!

Some of my favorites from the session:

army momandbaby babygirl prettyinpink snohomish photographer, newborn photos, mill creek photographer

Prop Junkie?

We recently moved, and I FINALLY have the space for an amazing studio! I am rapidly filling my shelves with some adorable props, chairs, backgrounds, and more. I figured it might be helpful to show clients what I have to offer BEFORE they show up for a session. Here are are few of my favorites (I just realized that I forgot to take some pics of my hat collection. So there’s that, too.)


I am just so in love with all of these tiny chairs. I *just* found the gray one while antique shopping, and it is my new favorite!



Fluffy bean bag chairs, and a HUGE baby poser. Great for all ages!


“Jelly” the horse, and a bike made by my father-in-law (and used my my husband MANY years ago!)


Our adorable “newborn nest”.


I made this moon while everyone else in Seattle was watching the Superbowl this year. I LOVE it. It has a white side, and a yellow side, and is perfect for newborns through preschool aged kids.

IMG_5835 IMG_5836

I am in love with these beds. I made these, and 5 more for all my kids, nieces, and nephews this xmas!


More traditional teen, adult, older kid seating.


So. Many. Bows.


Wraps in all colors, textures, etc. We use these as wraps, blankets, basket filler, back drops…


The perfect chair. This chair is amazing. Just the right size for a cozy shot of a family, AND perfect for littles. Looks AMAZING outside and inside!


Owls. Babies. ‘Nuff said.


I made this ruffle bum the other night, and when I finished, I showed it to my husband and declared it so adorable it *almost* made me want to have another baby to put it on. 😉

