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Fall Family Portraits! June Bug Photography

Fall is here! I spent Sunday morning at my favorite park for photos, Bothell Landing. The leaves are *just* starting to turn, and the fog was thick. It was such a beautiful morning, and I had so much fun with these two families!

You might recognize these guys, I just LOVE when I get to work with them! The kiddos are full of energy (and HUGS, which is the BEST), and Mom and Dad are both awesome.

Fun family photography
Family photography, June Bug Photography
Siblings, family photography June Bug Photography
Family photography June Bug Photography

The second session was with this adorable 2 year old! She was on the look out to keep us all safe, and was sure to let us know to “be careful”, and ask “what happened?” anytime we might be in danger. 🙂 She was so sweet, and definitely loved to snuggle up with mom and dad! Bothell Landing was the perfect spot for this little one to explore, and we had fun finding ducks, squirrels in the garbage can, and potential nightmare inducing mushrooms!

Family photography june bug photography Family photography, fall leaves Fall photography, fall leaves



Cake Smash! First Birthday Photo session by June Bug photography

This family is AWESOME. The love they have for each other was so evident. Mom went all out to celebrate this little guy’s first birthday, and we all had SOOO much fun during out session. Mom brought along balloons, gifts, party poppers, a homemade cake and so much more. Big sister came along to celebrate her little brother’s birthday, and she was just so sweet with him. Birthday boy was loving all the excitement, and so was I!

It was so fun to see Mom and Dad gazing at their kiddos, and I hope I successfully captured the joy this family brought to the studio. Have I mentioned that I love my job?

The only glitch with the session was that mom’s phone went missing. Not sure if it is lost in the depths of my studio, or somewhere in her car (or, maybe was set on TOP of the car on the way out?!) MOM: I promise to keep looking!!

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Capture baby's first birthday, june bug photography bothell, mill creek, snohomish photography outdoor and studio family photography snohomish, mill creek, everett, bothell Celebrate baby's first birthday with a cake smash cake smash First Birthday, 1st birthday photography Children's photography, cake smash, first birthday snohomish, mill creek, bothell family portraits don't have to be boring! have fun with june bug photography Fun photography sessions, family photography,

Halloween Mini Sessions, June Bug Photography

family photography, snohomish, mill creek, bothell


It’s {mini} session time again! I’m doing something a little different this time.

Sessions will be super fast, and will be outside! Rain or shine (Don’t worry, I will have a canopy set up if there is inclement weather). We will have treats for trick-or-treating, and a cute fall themed set (bale of hay, pumpkins galore, etc.)

Come in costume, all ages encouraged!

Friday, October 24th

Cost will be $50, and will include:

-20 minute fun filled halloween themed session

-5 high resolution digital files of final images, with complete printing rights

-Online gallery, where you can download, share, and print images

Book your session NOW!! Spots will fill fast! Email me at

First Birthday Photo Session. June Bug Photography, Snohomish Family Photography.

I had a fun (and busy!) Saturday session. Brothers came to celebrate little bro’s 1st Birthday. I have had A LOT of first birthday sessions lately, it is such a fun age.

The boys were good sports (including dad) despite the fact that taking pictures wasn’t their top choice for a Saturday. I love the energy that these guys have, and it was so fun to see there little personalities emerge in such a short time with them. Mom is gorgeous, and had a ton of really great ideas for the session.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

family photography, snohomish mill creek everett bothell

family photography by june bug photography snohomish mill creek
June Bug photography snohomish bothell mill creek june bug photography, mill creek bothell, snohomish Baby photography, halloween, portraits, mini session june bug photography First year photos, fun photography june bug photography June bug photgoraphy, snohomish mill creek, bothell

One Year Session! Family photography, June Bug Photography.

My morning started off rough today. My husband has been out of town for a week, and my son decided that he wanted NOTHING to do with preschool this morning. I *finally* convinced him to stay, but only after he darted into the parking lot and was nearly hit by a car. Needless to say, I was in tears by 9:30.

Then, I met this little gem, and my day was instantly better! This sweetie is ONE, and she is just so sweet. She took a little bit before feeling comfortable letting go of mom, but we embraced it. She found some pearls, and her day was made. We even had time to fit in a few pictures with the family dog, Lucy. Mom, baby, and pup were all so much fun.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

First Birthday photos, snohomish mill creek, everett First birthday photos, june bug photography june bug photography, snohomish, mill creek, everett Children photography, june bug photography Family pets, newborns, family photos family and pet photography

Newborn Photo Sessions! June Bug photography, Snohomish.

I love love love getting to snuggle newborns on a regular basis. My job is awesome. 🙂 I had TWO newborn sessions this past Sunday.


My first session was with a little girl who is *almost* 2 weeks old. She is sooo tiny, under 7 lbs and so sweet, relaxed and chill. Big brother got to join us for a few photos, and was REALLY interested in sister’s headband. I caught a few candids of him *almost* snapping it in her face. Luckily mom & dad were an arms length away and saved the day. Big bro had the best smile. Mom & Dad clearly have this whole parenthood thing down, as they didn’t break a sweat and were super calm and relaxed the whole time. These guys made my job EASY!!

My second session was with a brand new baby, only two days old! Mom and dad were amazingly chill, especially considering they were only on day two of being new parents!! I could tell that mom was still hurting, but she was such a trooper. It was so much fun to see how smitten these two are with their new little guy. Little Mr. had NO interest in being posed, and just wanted to be snuggly with mama…so that’s what we did (after getting a few great swaddle shots!)

snohomish photographer june bug photography

Here are someNewborn photography, adorable props, june bug photography.of my favorites from the weekend:

June bug photography, newborn , family portraits

newborn photography by june bug photograpny
Family photographynewborn and child photography snohomishIMG_4561newborn photography by june bug photographyTOES! newborn photographyfamily and newborn photography in Snohomish by june bug photography mill creekfamily photography, newborn photography by june bug photography snohomish near mill creek

Fur babies! Meet Ranger. Family photography.

Here at June Bug Photography, we understand that your pup (or cat, or horse…) is part of your family too! I had a quick photo session with this handsome chap, Ranger. He is an energetic, sweet, pug who has a lot of love to share!! This little guy was rescued from a breeder who had plans to put down an entire litter of these brindle pugs. Anyway, he is a total doll face and I am so glad he is on this earth!!

Pug, rescue pug, seahawks, family photography, pet photography, june bug photography rescue pug, seahawks, 12th man, family photography, pet photography pug, seahawks, 12th man, 12th dog, pet photography, family photography, june bug photography pug, pet photography, pet photo shoot, family photography, seahawks


Finally, I want to share a fantastic resource I have recently discovered. is a great way to meet new clients for photographers and many other professionals.  Those of you searching for a photographer, or other professional service, will match you up with potential businesses, and you will have the ability to see their ratings, profile, etc. ALL FOR FREE!!

Hops Harvest! family photographer June Bug photography

This is the first year that my hubby’s hops have produced cones, so we are pretty excited. We moved to a new house earlier this year, and the hops came with us. I think they LOVE their new location, because this is the first year (in 5 years!) that we actually have hops to harvest.

He has three different varieties (though, I couldn’t tell you what they are), and Harrison has already used some of his bounty to brew a batch of beer. I feel badly that he hasn’t had time in 6 months to brew, but it was a great weekend to get back into brewing. The sky was a beautiful, bright, blue and there was not a cloud in the sky. He recruited our 5 year old to help pluck cones off the plants, AND she helped brew too. The family that Brews together…

hops, brewing, beer, family photography, cascade, willamette hops, harvesting hops, family photography, beer, brewing beer, homebrew beer, brewing, home brewing, hops, brewing beer, family photography beer brewing, home brew, hops harvest, family photography hops6 hops, family photography, brewing, home brew hops8 hops9 hops, brewing, home brew, family photography aroma, hops, cascade, brewing, beer, home brew, family photography hops12wm hops13 hops, home brew, home brewing, harvest, family photography, beer hops15

Back To School {mini} Sessions family photography by June Bug photography

I am loving my {mini} sessions, because I get to see a ton of familiar faces in one day! This round of {mini} sessions filled up SUPER fast, and guess what?! They were all REPEAT clients! It is so fun to see how the little ones have grown since the last session, and super cool that they remember me (and are often much more relaxed, and ready to get started right off the bat!)

We had a vintage back-to-school themed set, and we also had time to sneak a few outdoor shots too. Check out some of my favorites from the day!

Vintage school photoshoot Back to school Photos Natural light photography Picking blackberries, family photo session Family and child photoraphy School portraits Siblings, family photography Vintage school photoshoot Family photography fun back to school photos School portraits vintage back to school photo shoot back to school photography Back to school pictures

A weekend of family photo sessions!

I am *just* getting caught up from labor day weekend! My family headed to Bellingham, and I brought all my photo gear along for THREE photoshoots while I was in town!

The first photo session was with my cousin, Mark, and his twin boys. These boys are just too cute, and it was so fun to play with them.

My next session was with my Aunt Tammy, Uncle Craig, and cousins Sam and Alex. We did a super fast photo session on campus at Western.

Finally, I got to meet a super chill and fun family to do a family session at Hovander Homestead. Best. Place. EVER!

Here are a few highlights from the weekend:


Family Photography Family photos Dad & Son photo Family portraits Family pictures Family session Baby toes Family and baby photography
