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Baby’s First Birthday Cake Smash, Snohomish County Photographer June Bug Photography.

Cake Smash PhotographyCelebrate with a Baby’s first birthday Cake Smash! I have been having a total blast with cake smashes in the last few months, and I just wanted to share my joy with you. I get such a kick out of the HUGE difference between all of the kiddos I have in studio. Each birthday boy & girl is so different when they first encounter the cake, and it is so fun to see their brains figure out that they have PERMISSION to dig in. Some literally dig in, some delicately dip a finger, some try to toss the cake, some crawl through it…while Mom, Dad, and I LAUGH the entire time. What an amazingly fun way to celebrate surviving the first year (as parents) and turning ONE YEAR OLD. The best part? I clean it all up! Here are a few highlights from my last few cake smash sessions. Enjoy!

June bug photography snohomish cake smash IMG_8161 Snonomish photographer, June Bug Photography Cake Smash photography snohomish countyDue to potential allergy issues, I have mom & dad bring along the cake to a cake smash. Through my MANY smashes, I have learned some great tips for the perfect smash cake. If you are making your own cake, a super moist cake is best. It will break apart easily, and baby can tear off chunks…which makes for great photos. Pound cake can be trick for babies to dig into. I recently had a mom bring in a cake from Fred Meyer (which cost her less than $5!), it small, moist, and had a whipped frosting. She had them custom make the cake, with custom colors and decorations. It was PERFECT.


Family Photography, Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

Family Photography, Snohomish County.

I am so happy I had the opportunity to meet this family! Mom and dad were so much fun to hang out with during the session, and the kids are beyond adorable! Little brother is 6 months old, and full of smiles. He was in such a great mood, I LOVE it when that happens. Big brother & sister were full of energy, and full of love for each other. Sweetness all around! Big bro is 6, big sister is 4. Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Looking to book a family session? Contact me ASAP! I have an in-home studio that will make you feel at home. My sessions are fun, and customized for your family. Want a session in studio? No problem! Want an outdoor session? Got it! Want both? Guess what! My studio has a gorgeous field next door, and we can split the session with both studio and outdoor shots. I have tons of props, furniture, backdrops, etc. Have something in mind? Just ask!


As a side note, I will be posting more info soon…but I am changing up my pricing structure/and what I offer. I have decided that it is important for me to give my clients a TANGIBLE photograph with each session. I am designing an adorable keepsake box, which will include 4×6 images from your session as well as a USB of your final images. I have been having nightmares lately about how fast technology changes, and I am just not comfortable ONLY handing over digital images. So, you get some prints too! YAY! Of course, you are always welcome to get your images printed from your digital files, but this way you will at least have one card copy. It will also give you a fantastic, professionally printed images to compare your print lab to!Family photography, Snohomish County Family photography, Snohomish County Family photography, Snohomish County Family photography, Snohomish County Family photography, Snohomish county

Newborn Photography, Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

Newborn Photography, Snohomish County. By June Bug Photography.

Newborn photography, Snohomish County Newborn photography, Snohomish County Newborn photography, Snohomish County June bug photography Newborn photography, Snohomish County Newborn Photography, Snohomish county June bug photographyThis little guy came in today and ROCKED it. Big brother helped me take pictures, and little bro was sooo chill! Born a week ago, at 9lbs9oz!

Curious about what a newborn session with June Bug Photography is like? Here is a rundown: My in home studio (located near Mill Creek) will be WARM when you arrive. I keep the studio nice and toasty, so baby is super comfortable and snuggly. We will start with sibling shots, if baby has a big brother/big sister. Siblings are welcome to hang out in our playroom, or visit our neighborhood park with Grandma/dad. I then move to posing baby on our beanbag. I have designed my posing flow to minimize moving baby too much, which means baby can snooze! Safety is my highest priority, and I will NEVER put your baby in a position that is potentially dangerous. Time permitting, we will then move on to a prop (bucket, basket, nest, etc.) and finish up with posing baby with Mom and Dad.

Looking to book a newborn session? Contact me ASAP! I have an entire studio full of amazing wraps, headbands, hats, rompers, props..and more! All you need to bring is baby. My newborn sessions are fun (and relaxing for mom/dad, I promise!). Safety is my top priority, and I have a streamlined posing flow that minimizes moving baby around (which means they can stay sleepy and cozy longer!). I have recently worked with some of the best newborn photographers in the WORLD, and I am so excited to put all I have learned into practice.

Newborn photography Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

SOO many babies! We had THREE babies in studio last week, and I want to share some sneak peeks with you! This is baby G, and she is TINY! Born just over  6 lbs, and is now 12 days old. She was such a sweetheart, and I loved working with her (and mom). Despite having an upset tummy, she was a total gem! Newborn photography Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

Have a baby on the way? Book your session ASAP! My schedule is filling quickly. I have LOADS of wraps, props, backdrops, and everything else you can imagine. All you need to bring is baby! :) I keep the studio REALLY warm for newborn sessions (babies are not yet able to regulate their internal temperature well…and we keep them naked for most of the session!). Newborn photos are best done in baby’s first 6-10 days. Sessions run between 60-120 minutes, depending on how sleepy/hungry baby is during the session. Safety of your little one is my highest priority, and we design the session around YOUR baby.  Newborn photography, snohomish county.

June Bug photography, newborn photographer June Bug photography, newborn photographer June bug photography, newborn photographer Newborn photography Snohomish County, June Bug Photography june bug photography, newborn photographer

Newborn photography Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

Newborn Photography Snohomish County.

This has been the week of babies! I am editing like mad to get galleries out ASAP, but wanted to post a quick sneak peek of each of the THREE newborns I have had in studio in the last three days!! First up, this little guy. He was 8 days new as of Tuesday, and so adorable. He had all kinds of precious expressions and grunts.

Curious about what a newborn session with June Bug Photography is like? Here is a rundown: My in home studio (located near Mill Creek) will be WARM when you arrive. I keep the studio nice and toasty, so baby is super comfortable and snuggly. We will start with sibling shots, if baby has a big brother/big sister. Siblings are welcome to hang out in our playroom, or visit our neighborhood park with Grandma/dad. I then move to posing baby on our beanbag. I have designed my posing flow to minimize moving baby too much, which means baby can snooze! Safety is my highest priority, and I will NEVER put your baby in a position that is potentially dangerous. Time permitting, we will then move on to a prop (bucket, basket, nest, etc.) and finish up with posing baby with Mom and Dad.

Looking to book a newborn session? Contact me ASAP! I have an entire studio full of amazing wraps, headbands, hats, rompers, props..and more! All you need to bring is baby. My newborn sessions are fun (and relaxing for mom/dad, I promise!). Safety is my top priority, and I have a streamlined posing flow that minimizes moving baby around (which means they can stay sleepy and cozy longer!). I have recently worked with some of the best newborn photographers in the WORLD, and I am so excited to put all I have learned into practice.

June Bug Photography, newborn photgoraphy june bug photography, newborn portraits june bug photography, newborn portraits june bug photography newborn photography snohomishnewborn photography snohomish county. June Bug Photography.

Family photography, Snohomish County. June Bug Photography.

This family is AMAZING!

Little L was born premature, and spent a loooong time at the University of Washington NICU, so Mom and Dad wanted to celebrate a happy memory on campus. We braved the rain, and I am so glad we did. We had a total blast. Dad is a riot, and had some awesome ideas for some funny shots. So much fun to play in the rain!!

Then, L met cake. You guys..I have NEVER had a cake smash go this amazingly well. She TORE INTO her cake, crawled through her cake, and smiled the whole time. Mom, Dad, and I were laughing uncontrollably the entire time. She is a total gem. Love her! Here are a few of my favorites from the session:


Thinking of booking a family session! Contact me ASAP! I will work with you to customize a session for your family. Looking for a studio session? Looking for a session outdoors? Want both? Just let me know what you are looking for and we will start planning. Family photography, snohomish county.first birthday photography, studio jUne bug photography Family photography, cake smash Cake smash snohomish, june bug photography june bug photography, snohomish Lilly cake smash-28 Lilly cake smash-35 cake smash june bug photography University of washington, june bug photography june bug photography snohomish

Newborn photography, Snohomish County June Bug Photography.

I met mama a few months ago for her maternity session (she rocked it!), and I finally got to meet baby! He was a total dream for the entire session, and is beyond adorable. He smiled so much! This family was so fun to hang with, and baby made my job easy. Mom is a bit of a Legends of Zelda fan, and brought along the adorable green hat/diaper cover set. So cute!

Have a baby on the way? Book your session ASAP! My schedule is filling quickly. I have LOADS of wraps, props, backdrops, and everything else you can imagine. All you need to bring is baby! 🙂 I keep the studio REALLY warm for newborn sessions (babies are not yet able to regulate their internal temperature well…and we keep them naked for most of the session!). Newborn photos are best done in baby’s first 6-10 days. Sessions run between 60-120 minutes, depending on how sleepy/hungry baby is during the session. Safety of your little one is my highest priority, and we design the session around YOUR baby.  Newborn photography, snohomish county.june bug photography newborn photography snohomish william-11 june bug photography newborn pictures Newborn photography june bug photography june bug photography 98296newborn photography, snohomish county. June Bug photography.


Cake Smash, Snohomish County June Bug Photography.

Another cake smash! I love love love photographing cake smashes. It is so much fun to see each little one’s expression as they first touch, taste, and (hopefully) smash their cake. It is such a celebratory moment in time, and so fun to capture the family’s joy over their little one turning ONE!

This sweet girl is one!! She was full of charm, and we had such a fun time watching her test her cake. She immediately tried to pick up the cake and toss it, but it was WAY too heavy. This little one was a perfect delight, and I hope to see her again!

Thinking of booking a cake smash for your little one’s upcoming birthday? Contact me ASAP! I have lots of fantastic backdrops, props, decorations, and more. We will customize the session for your birthday boy/girl and have a total blast. The best part? I clean up the mess. Due to potential allergy concerns, I have parents bring in the cake. I have some great recommendations for where to get your cake! What a fun way to document such a fun event!!

Cake smash, snohomish County photographer June Bug Photography. Celebrate baby’s first birthday with a cake smash!june bug photography, cake smash June bug photography June bug photography snohomish cake smash june bug photography cake smash june bug photography cake smash

Cake Smash First Birthday photos. Snohomish county photographer June Bug Photography.

What a way to celebrate making it through the first year! I love cake smashes, especially because they all unfold so differently depending on baby’s personality. This adorable little lady turned ONE a few weeks ago (I’m a bit late posting this one)! We celebrated early with an amazingly fun cake smash. This girl is not shy, and dug right into the cake. I don’t think I have had a baby “explore” the cake this much. She grabbed it, ate it, finger painted with it, spread it all over her arms. So. Much. Fun! Mom and dad are clearly smitten with their little one, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet this family. Mom is a genius, and got her cake from Fred Meyer. She paid under $5, and had it custom decorated and it was PERFECT. I highly recommend them for your cakes if you are planning a cake smash. She chose the whipped frosting, which was perfect for baby to grab and get into without feeling too sticky. Nice work mom!

Thinking about a cake smash to celebrate your little one’s upcoming birthday? Book ASAP, I have TONS of fun backdrops, props, and decorations to customize the session for your family. june bug photography baby photography IMG_8235 cake smash birthday photography snohomish

Cake smash first birthday photos. Snohomish county photography, June Bug Photography.

Newborn photography, Snohomish county. June Bug Photography.

Newborn photography is such a rewarding experience, I just love getting to know their tiny personalities. This gorgeous family met me in the studio on Tuesday. I am just loving that mom wanted to use blue for baby girl, because I NEVER get to use blue with girls, and it just looks so beautiful! Mom brought in the beautiful blue headband (I want one!), and it is just perfect. Baby girl was so sweet, and spent the majority of the session wide awake…but fell asleep for the last bit of the session. We got the perfect mix of sleepy, awake, and snoozing baby shots. Big sister is so cute & playful, and we got to hang out taking pictures while baby ate. Here are some of my favorites!

Pregnant? Just had a baby? Contact me ASAP! Newborn photography sessions are best done in baby’s first 6-10 days to get those snuggly, curly, sleeping poses. Newborn photography, snohomish county. June Bug Photography.

snohomish newborn photographer june bug photography
