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In home newborn and family session. June Bug Photography, Snohomish County photographer.

I am finally getting caught up on my blog posts. Here is a Newborn and family session from a few months ago!

Typically, I hold newborn sessions in my Snohomish studio, but this time, I visited this little guy at his home on Saturday for a fun filled family session.

Baby is nearly 3 weeks old, and was so chill! I had a blast getting to know baby, Mom, Dad, and Big Brother. Big bro turns 2 in a week, so we celebrated with a birthday donut, of course!

We started inside and got some great family images in their beautiful home, and then headed out back to play a bit.

I love the “lifestyle” feel of these images, because they capture the fun we had during the session. I did feel a bit silly walking into their gorgeous home with my giant strobe, diffuser, blankets, baskets, buckets, and of course my camera and gear.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Newborn and family session snohomish Newborn and family session Newborn and family session Newborn and family session


June Bug photographer Melissa Jenkins specialized in family photography, baby photography, and newborn photography in Snohomish, WA. Serving Bothell, Seattle, Everett, Snohomish County, Shoreline, Mukileto, Edmonds, etc. Looking for a family photographer in Snohomish County? Email me at Snohomish family photography.

Baby Photography Session: 3 months, Snohomish County Photography.

Baby Photography Session, Snohomish County Photography.

Baby A is already 3 months old, and I am so excited I get to see her every few months for the next year! She is part of my “baby plan”, which means she will be dropping by for mini-milestone sessions throughout her first year. She is simply precious, and so calm! She has the most stunning eyelashes I have EVER seen, this girl is a beauty. Just started downloading their images from today, and this one stopped me in my tracks. Such a gorgeous girl!

I was lucky enough to meet this family for baby’s newborn session, and she has grown so much in just 3 short months. I love to compare photos from the different sessions, it is such a great reminder of how fast they grow! Want to make sure you capture those fleeting moments? Book the “baby plan” with me, and you can rest assured that you will have gorgeous images of each of those adorable milestones.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

snohomish photographer, june bug photography baby photography Baby Photography byJune bug photography, snohomish county Baby photography by June bug photography snohomish mill creek june bug photography snohomish county photographer

Looking for a family photographer? I specialize in family photography, newborns, babies, and kids of all ages. email me at to book a session! Serving Snohomish County, Mill Creek, Everett, Bothell, Seattle, Edmonds, Mukilteo, Shoreline, and more!

Cake Smash: revised! First Birthday Photography session, Snohomish County.

I am so happy to have met this little guy today! He is turning ONE, and is simply charming. I have never met anyone with so many smiles to spare! He came into the studio with a smile on his face, and it never went away. I am having so much fun editing his gallery, but it is so hard to narrow it down when EVERY image contains an adorable smile. So cute. Happy Birthday Little Man!!

Mom had the genius idea of having a DOUGHNUT smash instead of a cake smash. So much cleaner, and made for such adorable images.

I love celebrating such big milestones with my clients, and cakes smashes are a great way to celebrate surviving the first year. My studio sessions are super fun, relaxed and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Here are a few of my favorite images from the session:

june bug photography cake smash family photography snohomish June bug photography cake smashCake smash snohomish Cameron-28 June Bug photography cake smash


June Bug Photographer Melissa Jenkins specialized in family photography, children and baby photography, as well as newborn photography. My in home studio is located in Snohomish County, near Mill creek. I have a studio packed full of props, backdrops, and more! Contact me today to book your session:

Snohomish family photography. June Bug Photography

I am so behind with my blog updates! This family session was nearly three months ago…but better late than never, right!?

I just love photographing this age! 6 months is so much fun, with smiles, sitting, and STAYING WHERE YOU PUT THEM. 🙂

This adorable little guy is 6 months old, and has maybe the most amazing hair ever. It has grown into a PERFECT crew cut…no haircut needed! He made mom sweat because he was not feeling like himself (he got his immunizations the day before our session) but I kept telling mom that he was rocking it….and he totally was!!

We got creative, after learning that he was obsessed with the paper at the Dr.s office, we rolled out some paper in the studio. Oh, and he pretty much sticks out his tongue all the time! ADORABLE. And those eyes! I have had a string of babies with stunning blue eyes in the last few months.

We were able to enjoy the beautiful weather, and popped out the the field next door for some outdoor family photographs as well.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Snohomish family photographybaby photographer snohomish

snohomish photographer family photography, snohomish

June Bug photographer Melissa Jenkins specialized in family photography, baby photography, and newborn photography in Snohomish, WA. Serving Bothell, Seattle, Everett, Snohomish County, Shoreline, Mukileto, Edmonds, etc. Looking for a family photographer in Snohomish County? Email me at Snohomish family photography.

Family Photography session: Mukilteo Lighthouse Park. June Bug Photography.

June Bug Photography specializes in family photography.

Lighthouse park in Mukilteo just might be my new favorite place! I love all of the different beautiful spots and backdrops. The lighthouse is gorgeous, and the ferry docks right behind it! Then there are the beach shots, grassy spots, and an awesome playground! Oh, and obviously, Diamond Knot Brewery is a must for after the session!

I did notice that starting June 1st, there will be a fee for parking…but totally worth it. We went on the Friday before Memorial Day, and it still wasn’t too busy. The fire pits started getting full around 6:00, totally wish I would have come prepared with MALLOWS. Next time.

I ended up shooting two sessions while at the park, the first session was with an awesome family of 3. Mom, dad, AND their gorgeous 6 year old daughter were in a wedding the following day, so they were all prettied up for the rehearsal dinner…perfect opportunity for a photo session right? Their little one looked adorable with her ringletts, and purple tinsel in her hair. This session was really fun, and about 1/2 “lifestyle” and 1/2 portrait type images. The family blew bubbles, flew kites, threw rocks into the water (my 4 year old son’s all time favorite activity), played on the playground, and found caterpillars. I had such a fun time hanging out with them and capturing the love they have for eachother!


My second session of the day was with a STUNNING mama-to-be. She was 39 weeks pregnant, and looked amazing. She was up for walking ALL around the park, kicking off her shoes and going into the water, and looked amazing doing it. She is an ER nurse, and as of Friday, was still working! Seriously a total trooper. Mam & Dad (to be) were so much fun to hang out with, and I am super excited that I get to see them again once baby is born! Actually, I get to see them LOTS in baby’s first year. They are my first OFFICIAL baby plan family, and they will be coming back for their newborn session, two “milestone” sessions and a cake smash for baby’s first birthday! My job is pretty much the best EVER. I get to hang out with cool people, and play with babies/kids.

And…now for the best part. Some of my favorite images from the day:

family photography snohomish family photographer snohomish family portraits snohomish snohomish family photographer family photography snohomish county maternity photography snohomishmaternity photos june bug photographymaternity photography snohomishSnohomish county maternity photographyMaternity photography june bug photographymaternity photography snohomish

Baby’s first year photographs. 9 Month baby photos, Watch me grow. June Bug photography Snonomish photographer.

I am in the process of putting together a “watch me grow” package, that will include newborn, cake smash, and two “mini sessions” to be done whenever in-between to document the amazing changes your little one goes through in their first year. I haven’t worked out all the details, but I have definitely been gathering some adorable outfits, hats, and props to fill out my collection.

I had this adorable 9 month baby in studio yesterday, and she is modeling my brand new romper. Isn’t it stunning? We did a styled, vintage themed session and I just love how all the colors and props flow so nicely together.

I would love to hear your thoughts about what you would like included in a baby’s first year photographs package. I would love to offer albums (with photographs from each session), prints, perhaps slideshows? Let me know what you would LOVE.

I have been having fun making slideshows from my sessions, so I have decided to present my sneak peeks using a slideshow this time. Get ready for some serious cuteness overload from this little lady!

june bug photography baby's first year photographs

June Bug photographer Melissa Jenkins has a beautiful and welcoming in-home studio in Snonomish WA (although technically in Snohomish, we are literally blocks from Mill Creek). June Bug Photography specialized in newborn photography, baby photographs, cake smashes, family photos and family portraits. Photography sessions can be held in studio, or on location at a local park. There are also some gorgeous outdoor locations within walking distance from our studio, so if weather is cooperating, there is also an option to split a session between studio and our outdoor field or woods. Book your session today, I would be thrilled to work with you!

New products! Prints & Presents.

I have been hard a work putting together new packages to offer, and I am so excited to finally officially announce what I have come up with.

After working closely with some amazing local photographers, and spending a lot of time really thinking about my business…and why I love what I do, I decided that I would like to offer PRODUCTS (prints!) with every package and every session done with June Bug Photography. There are a million reasons that I have made this decision, but the number one reason is that prints are REAL. Prints are forever. Weather you choose to put them in a scrapbook, photo album, frame, or even in a box in the attic…they will still be stunning images in 50 years. Your great grandchildren will hold and treasure images of you and your family. That, to me, is beautiful. The digital age has certainly been a wonderful thing for photographers (we no longer have to worry about the expense of film & developing, we can instantly see if our photos are properly composed and exposed)…but there has also been a trend to stop PRINTING images. We have access to our photos on our phones, our computers, the “cloud”…which is so wonderful for sharing and enjoying now, but I worry about the future of these digital images.

I spent last Saturday by my grandmother’s bedside in the hospital, and began planning the slideshow I will create for her (to play in her room at Hospice care). When I got back to my Mom’s house, I began sorting through many photo albums (all labeled, of course, if you know my mother!). It brought tears to my eyes to see Granny in nearly every photo of family events, birthdays, school field trips..she was such a presence throughout our childhood and beyond. I then began to realize that I do not have ANY photo albums in my own home. I am a photographer, and I have not a single photo album for my children (or their children, one day) to flip through and remember all of the wonderful moments we have shared. Don’t get me wrong, I have photos…just not prints. All of my images are stored on hard drives, phones (some long lost phones..), picassa (which I never use anymore), zip drives, cds, dropbox, and surely some other long forgotten locations. In fact, EVERY photo I took in the first 9 months of my daughters life were stored “safely” on a laptop. A laptop that was stolen from my home.

This is why I have decided to make a conscious shift to provide prints for my clients (and myself!). Every package will include 4×6 images of your favorites from your session. I have had a lot of fun putting together a sweet keepsake box to store them all. You are, of course, welcome to make additional prints from your digital files (or from the online gallery). I have revamped my price list to reflect these changes, and you will still be receiving digital files of your favorite images!

Here are a few shots of my new products, I just LOVE how it all looks. Check out new pricing information HEREprints, digital images, keepsake boxproductsSnohomish county photography

First Birthday Photography Session, Snohomish photographer June Bug photography.

Here is a first birthday photography session from a few weeks ago! This handsome little guy turned ONE last week, and we had planned on doing a cake smash. Thankfully, mom discovered that he HATES the sight of cake before the we ditched the cake idea! He rocked his session, and was so much fun. We danced, laughed, and did a lot of wranglin’ for this guy on the move. He is a total stunner with those eyes…I have had so many gorgeous baby blues in studio in the last few weeks!

I have been having a lot of fun with birthday sessions, and it was great to do one without a cake. It was a total blast, and we got some amazing images. I know that cake smashes are not for every baby (or mom!), but baby’s first birthday is such a HUGE milestone, and it is fun to capture the wonder, excitement, curiosity, and beauty these little ones experience.

I have had several requests to photograph weddings lately, and I have realized that photographing kiddos, babies, and families is definitely my calling. Brides are beautiful, and adults can be posed…but there is something so magical for me about capturing those real, fleeting moments kids experience.

Here are a few of my favorites from the Birthday Boy’s session:Snohomish county photographer Snohomish family photography June bug photography snohomish photography snohomish photographer, family photography snohomish county photography snohomish county baby photographer


Family photographer Snohomish County. Family photo session.

I recently held a quick contest via Facebook to celebrate having been in my studio for one year! This beautiful mama was the winner, and she also happens to be my cousin. She is an amazing photographer (see her work here, and I was so happy she won, as I know how hard it is to get IN FRONT OF the camera when you are a photographer (and mom!)

Her little guy is beyond adorable, and has the most amazing blue eyes. He is newly 2, and I just love 2 year olds. It was so fun to watch him discover my lights/props/toys/etc.

This ended up being a “mommy & me” photo session, since dad started a NEW JOB and wasn’t able to make it. I love the sweetness shared between these two, and I want to do more mommy and me sessions soon. Mother’s day is coming up, now is a great time to book a fun family session. Dads LISTEN: Be the best hubby EVER and surprise mom with a gift certificate for a family photography session with June Bug Photography!!

Here are a few of my favorites from this family session:

June bug photography, family session Mommy and me photography, june bug photography snohomish county photography snohomish photography, family photosFamily photographer Snohomish.

Baby photography Snohomish County, Newborn Photographer June Bug PHotography.

I love baby photography, I love newborns. I want to be the best newborn photographer in Snohomish! That is my new mission. 🙂 baby photography snohomish newborn photographer snohomish baby photography snohomish newborn baby photographer june bug photographyI have spent the last month or so making a transition from a photographer who does a little of everything to a photographer who focuses primarily on Newborns, babies, and family. I am feeling so at ease with this decisions, despite it being a scary thing to change things up. I have realized that I am so drawn to babies, and kids, and have decided that is where I should focus my energy.

I have not only decided to focus on photographing newborns, babies, and families…but I want to be the BEST I can possibly be. I know these moments are so fleeting, and I would love to capture lasting memories for my clients. I have teamed up with some of my very favorite newborn photographers and learned so much from them.

I reached out to a local photographer who’s work I simply adore. I really admire her images, and she seemed super nice. Guess what?! SHE IS AWESEOME! I mentored with Becky Riley (of Organic Newborn) and spent two days learning her best tricks. She is a phenomenal woman, and I learned so much from the time I spent with her! The bottom two images are from my mentor session with her, isn’t baby GORGEOUS!!


Following my mentor session with Becky, I had the AMAZING opportunity to be in the studio audience for Kelly Brown’s Creative Live newborn bootcamp. Kelly Brown is simply the most amazing person and photographer EVER. I spent a week learning from the best, and I am so luck to have had the opportunity. I just love that Kelly focuses so much on SAFETY and simplicity, both of which are so important to me as a photographer.

Here are some images of my recent work, I can see a huge growth in my work…I am proud of where I am headed!
