Begin your Story

Sweet session with a rainbow baby, newborn photography

This family will always hold a special place in my heart. Big sister is honestly one of the sweetest little girls I have ever met (and I’ve met so many sweeties, so that’s saying a lot!) I am so thrilled I had the opportunity to meet their tiny rainbow baby!

Baby J is so loved by mom, dad, and big sister. Big sister brought along her little bear, and she whispered this to me while I was take her photo, “When I hold my bear, I can talk to my baby brother in heaven”. Absolutely heartbreaking that this family has experienced such tragic loss, but their rainbow baby is so surrounded by love and joy. Big sister is so gentle and protective of her new baby brother, and was so patient for the entire session.

I decided to use my bed set up in studio for this session, as I wanted a casual, sweet setting for the two siblings. I just love the way they turned out, and I definitely plan to use the bed set up again for a newborn session. I just love the neutral and white backdrop that lets baby be the center of attention.


June bug photography specializes in newborn photography, maternity photography, and family photography. Our natural light photography studio is located in Mill Creek, WA and has absolutely everything needed for your session (except baby of course!). We have an extensive prop collection, including many hand crafted, natural, organic layers, blanket, wraps, headbands, outfits and more.

My path to becoming a professional photographer began with the loss of my own baby at 19 month pregnant. Soon after our loss, I learned of the organization Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS). The organization sends volunteer professional photographers to the hospital to capture images of angel babies. As soon as I learned of the organization, I knew that joining as a photographer would be a source of healing from my own loss. NILMDTS has an application process that requires photographers to submit a portfolio of work that demonstrates an understanding of light, angles, and photography in general. It became my mission to build a portfolio strong enough to be accepted as a volunteer photographer with the organization. Within a few months, I had built up a portfolio I was proud of, and I sent in my application. I was accepted as a volunteer, and providing these images for families has been such a monumental part of my own healing and grief process. More information about Now I lay Me Down To Sleep can be found at the website here.

Sweet baby girl. In studio newborn session, Mill Creek newborn photographer June Bug Photography.

By Mill Creek newborn photographer, Melissa Jenkins. June Bug Photography.june bug photography

I had the sweetest little muffin in the studio last week! I have had a string of adorable little boys in the studio, and I definitely pulled out all my girly props for her.

Mom and dad love bold colors, and it was so much fun to style different set ups based on some of their favorite colors. Big Brother and Big sister were AMAZING, and I had so much fun getting to know their little personalities. Both of them are so clearly smitten with their new baby sister, it’s pretty adorable.

I just love customizing each newborn session to my client’s tastes. I have an entire studio full of beautiful, quality props and more. I have wraps in every color, buckets, props, layering blankets, outfits, and anything you can imagine. My natural light studio, in the heart of Mill Creek, is a beautiful and relaxing space…in fact, I often go there just to hang out. No joke. I am passionate about sourcing gorgeous textures, colors, and unique props that make my heart sing. Most of the items in my studio are hand crafted by some of my favorite vendors. From felted wool layers, to hand knit blankets, gorgeous hand crafted headbands, and knit hats. I truly love providing quality, beautiful, heirloom items for clients to use. mill creek newborn photographernewborn photographynewborn photographymill creekmill creek

June bug photography specializes in newborn photography, maternity photography, family photography, baby photography, and cake smash photography.

Maternity Gowns, New in Studio! Mill Creek Maternity photography

I am so lucky I have amazing friends who will help me with my crazy ideas.


I had about 30 new gowns in studio that I wanted to photograph, but I knew that it would be way too much to ask an actual pregnant person to model them all. So, I bought a fake belly (meant for mannequins, I think) and recruited my beautiful friend Kara. She rocked all 30 gowns in about an hour, and now I can update the gowns I have in studio!

I love that potential maternity clients can browse the gowns I have in studio, and figure out which ones they might like to wear for their maternity session with June Bug Photography. All gowns are available for clients to use, and can be used for both maternity and non maternity mamas. I have a huge selections of different styles, sizes, and fits. Whether you are looking to bare your belly, or something a little more modest..I’ve got you covered! I have a collection of bandeau bras, bralettes, and slips as well. Come play dress up!

Here is an updated gallery of gowns I currently have available in studio. Most gowns are made with stretchy material, which photographs beautifully while also fitting a range of sizes. Not sure which style will work best for you? I’m happy to help you figure it out.

Most of my gowns are handmade by wonderful vendors, such as Chicaboo, Mii Estillo, Sew Trendy, and more. Some of my gowns are one of a kind vintage pieces.


Gorgeous maternity photography, Mill Creek newborn and family photographer.

maternity smoke gownI’ve been putting this post off for a few weeks, because it hits me right in the feels.

My brain works in pretty mysterious ways, and I will come up with crazy ideas at 2am while trying to go to sleep. I will then spend the next 4 months kicking the crazy ideas around in my head, until they become a reality. This one turned out EXACTLY as I envisioned (which doesn’t always happen…).

Here’s how it all started. A lazy mom order of amazon fresh. No joke. I’m obsessed with amazon fresh, mainly because dragging my 6 & 8 year olds to the grocery store is TORTURE for my sanity. They aren’t “bad” at the grocery store. They just like to point out (and often ask for) literally EVERYTHING WE PASS. So. Amazon Fresh to the rescue. Another lazy mom hack? If you order something frozen to be delivered via amazon fresh…it will come in a bag with some dry ice. (NOTE of caution. Don’t let kids touch dry ice, its super cold and can do some serious damage with just a quick touch. also, adults shouldn’t touch it either. samesies) Dry Ice is super fun, and under strict supervision, the kids have a total blast with it.

Dry ice is frozen Carbon Dioxide (the stuff you breathe out). The cool thing about dry ice? At room temperature (or in warm/hot water) it will change phases from a SOLID (ice) to a gas. It skips the liquid step, which makes it super fun and bubbly and magical. *The actual name of this process is Sublimation…and it’s pretty cool. Anyway, the kids and I were using the dry ice in some 2L bottles and blowing smoke rings, pretending we were wizards, normal stuff.

That night, I was thinking about how cool dry ice would look photographed. Then I went to sleep.

A few weeks later, in the wee hours of the night, I was thinking about this super weird feeling I had just after my daughter was born. I don’t know if this is a feeling that other moms experience, but for the first week after having my first baby, I felt a sense of loss…as in I missed being able to feel her every movement in my belly. That constant physical connection was so suddenly gone, and it took a few weeks to shake my sense of loss. Of course, my daughter was healthy, happy, and snuggled up in my arms this entire time…but it somehow felt different. I remember feeling totally insane, especially because I didn’t particularly enjoy being pregnant…and I was certainly ready for her to be born. It was a totally unexpected feeling, and it was weird. This sense that you can be so totally and completely connected in one moment, and just…not in the next. She was suddenly her own being. I know, i know. crazy. Well, about two years after my first daughter was born, I experienced this very same feeling of loss. Except, this time I didn’t have a healthy, happy baby to snuggle. My husband and I experienced the most terrible loss of our second baby, at around 19 weeks into my pregnancy. I was knocked sideways with the very same emptiness, and baffled by how deeply that connection was felt…until it wasn’t. I can tell you the exact moment. In one second, she was gone.

I don’t have a word for this feeling. The fragility of the connection. The power of the bond. The mystery of it all. I’m willing to bet there is a word for it in German. They have the best words for weird stuff (don’t believe me? Look up middleschmertz or Kummerspeck ). Well, that night while I was pondering the wonderful, powerful, “feeling”…I realized that the way the dry ice smoke swirls and bobs through the air felt like a good description…and from there I found the most gorgeous mama EVER, and she totally rocked it.

To create this dress, I literally put dry ice in a pitcher and poured the smoke/gas all around Bekah. (for some giggles, I totally forgot to bring my camera trigger so I was literally running back and forth between my camera on a 5 second timer and Bekah..there are some super gorg photos of me mid run). I then put about 30 different smoke images together in photoshop to create the gorgeous dress. This was such a fun personal project, and an amazingly cathartic way to communicate my “feels”…even if nobody else gets it.



Dreamy session, gorgeous gowns, beautiful princess!

Mama brought along some GORGEOUS gowns for this precious 3 year old, and now I want them both! The gowns are from Anna Truant and Dollcake, and simply stunning.

Little miss had a different idea for what she wanted to wear, and was definitely not pleased when mom had her put on her gowns..but she warmed up to them..eventually!

I just love Northcreek Park for outdoor sessions, there are so many different gorgeous spots! We started near the woods, and ended our session on the boardwalk. I can’t wait to share more, this little one has a HUGE gallery…some with big brother, and some with their puppy too!

June bug photography specializes in family photography, baby photography, newborn photography, cake smash photography, and maternity photography. We are located in the heart of mill creek, and serve the greater seattle area.

Newborn Photography Session, Mill Creek

Recent newborn photography session: This family is so sweet! They are ALL so clearly in love with the newest member of their family, and it was so fun to see big brother snuggle him up. Mom and dad wanted cream/neutrals, blues, and grey used for the session, and I had a blast customizing their session for them.

June Bug Photography specialized in newborn photography, baby photography, cake smash photography, family photography, and maternity photography. We have a natural light studio in the heart of Mill Creek, WA which is stocked with the most amazing collection of props, outfits, maternity gowns, wraps, hats, headbands, backdrops, and more!

Newborn session, baby boy! Mill Creek newborn photographer.

Baby Boy, Mill Creek Newborn photography session.

I met this sweet family during mama’s maternity session. I just KNEW that big sister was going to be super amazing with her baby brother, because she was so sweet with mamas belly.

Big sister was such a sweatheart with her baby brother, and she did such an amazing job the entire session. Baby boy has the most amazing head of hair, and spent the first part of the session awake, alert, and calm. It was a super fun session, and we were able to fly through so many different set ups!

Mom and dad (and big sister) are so clearly smitten with their newest family member, and I am so honored to be able to document these first few memories for them.

Melissa Jenkins of June Bug photography specializes in newborn photography, maternity photography, baby photography, family photography, and cake smash photography. Looking for a Mill Creek newborn photographer? Book today!


Midsummer Night’s Dream Styled Photo Session, Mill Creek

2017-05-13_0001Many months ago, I had a wild idea to do a styled “Midsummer Night’s Dream” photo session with my kids. It was the dead of winter, which meant I had MONTHS to collect strange ideas.

In the months to follow, I made a Moss Chair HERE Ordered three pairs of elf ears, bought a wooden flute, and rounded up a pair of goat paints, and had a dress custom made by JH Gowns. You know, typical day in the life.

My friend Tami, of Lorene Photography brought over her girls and crafted up some gorgeous dresses and crowns for the ladies. The kids had a blast playing in the field, and I couldn’t stop giggling over all their adorable antics. Rex (our little Puck) ended up eating a dandelion..which is fitting.

Shot at golden hour in the field just outside my house in Mill Creek, I just love how this session turned out. My original inspiration came from an illustration THIS ONE and I think rex captured Puck’s spirit!

I’m already trying to come up with my next styled session idea! I just love getting creative, and creating magic with my kiddos.

June Bug Photography is a newborn photography, maternity photographer, cake smash photographer, and family photographer in Mill Creek, WA.

puck midsummer night's dreammill creek family photographerpuckmill creek photographymill creek newborn photographer2017-05-13_0001mill creek photography

Mill Creek Maternity session, with Hair and Make-up


I am so super excited to now offer optional hair and make-up for mamas and mamas-to-be! Carolina (my hair and make-up gal) is so sweet, and does such an amazing job.

Carolina will meet you (and I) in the studio about an hour before your session, and she will get you camera ready! She’ll create a beautiful look, based on your preferences and make you look flawless (lashes included!). So easy, fun, and it gives us a chance to get to know eachother a bit before you have to get in front of the camera.

I asked my dear friend Liz to be my model to iron out all the details of hair/make-up in studio. She showed up with no makeup, and hair undone. Carolina made her look glam for her maternity session! Liz is about 38 weeks, and look absolutely stunning. Honestly, Liz isn’t a girly girl, and would have been gorgeous without getting fancied up, but it was so much fun to play dress-up (at least it was fun for Liz and I, her husband Cory might not have had the most fun).

We went to Northcreek Park for photos, which is my absolute favorite spot for outdoor sessions! I just love the gorgeous green wetlands, the wooden boardwalk through the bogs, and the beautiful trees. Its Pacific Northwest Perfection..and even better? Its a 5 minute drive from my studio.

I am thrilled to be partnering with Carolina, and I can’t wait to see all the gorgeous mamas she makes over!

Looking for a maternity or newborn photography session? Book today with June Bug Photography! We have a stunning natural light studio in the heart of Mill creek with EVERYTHING you need to create a custom portrait session. We have gowns in all colors and sizes, props, outfits, wraps, backdrops and more.


6 Month Baby Photography Sitter Session, milestone photography session

I just adore milestone sessions! I offer mini sessions for babies age 3 months -12 months, and they are the PERFECT way to capture those adorable milestones. Milestone baby mini sessions are offered once a month, and include 5 digital images (via digital download). Mini sessions are 20 minutes, which is the perfect amount of time for baby’s short attention span. Photographing babies is definitely my passion, and I adore getting to see my tiny clients during their milestone session. Many of my babies come in every few months!

Some ideas for your next milestone mini session:
-Baby’s first smiles
-Baby lifting head/tummy time
-Baby is sitting unassisted
-Nursing photos
-Baby standing
-Baby crawling
-Baby eating solid foods (bring in baby’s favorite food, lets play!)
-Baby walking!

Book your mini session with June Bug photography and cature those fleeting moments!

