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Baby photography, snohomish county. June Bug Photography.

newborn photography by june bug photographyThis little guy has grown so much since I saw him last (for his newborn session). He came over for a playdate with mom and dad, and I stole him away to get some valentine’s day pictures. Isn’t he perfect? He is soooooo sweet, and beyond adorable. Love love love.

I just love working with babies!! We have so many fun props to work with in studio, and I LOVE getting these little ones to smile. Here is a little comparison of how much he has changed in the last few months! I HIGHLY recommend scheduling LOTS of sessions during baby’s first year. There are so many wonderful changes that happen, and it is so important to capture these events. For baby photography, here are some ideas for good times to book: Newborn (6-10 days old, for those curly, sleepy photos. Tiny hands, itty bitty features, hairy shoulders!) between 3-6 months. (Tummy time photos, awake baby, smiling, alert & curious). Between 6-9 months (assisted and unassisted sitting! They have grown and changed so much in such a short amount of time. Baby is often semi mobile, rolling scooching, etc). 12 months (this is a great celebratory session! Cakes smashes are adorable and fun, but so is a simply session focusing on all of the GIANT milestones baby has reached: sitting, laughing, smiling, playing, babbling, pulling up, crawling, standing, assisted walking).june bug photography, snohomish county june bug photography 98296 June bug photography, snohomish county june bug photography

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